Despite the silly ending, we have a fairly good film here led by Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah and Ted Danson who all become involve from stealing money from the Federal Reserve Bank.Keaton and Danson are a wealthy couple who lose everything when Danson is a victim of his firm's downsizing. With little skills, Keaton goes to work as a cleaner for the Federal Reserve Bank where she meets up with Latifah and others as they steal money.It's hilarious how they do this and get around a boss who is constantly watching them.Don't be disappointed by the ending, since despite it all, crime does not pay.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Ignore the IMDb Bad Reviews! I am really starting to doubt the endorsements from the IMDb Users not to mention the blatant lack of taste and inability to discriminate. The casting is 100% on point. The Queen, Keaton, and Holmes form a perfect modern day, realistic Stooges routine, portraying regular people in a struggle we all go thru: MONEY! Danson was as equally hysterical as Keaton's husband. I don't think they could have cast different actors and achieved the same magic.It's smart, funny, and the plot is something that every viewer can completely related to and dream about. Don't miss out on this little gem!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Diane Keaton...well, either I'm getting old - or she's getting better.Heck, in some shots; she even looks hot - like a MILF...if you don't know what that means, look it up.Anyway, it was entertaining for the most part and I think that Ted Danson's role was good, but small.While he has had a decent career, it has never been huge outside of Cheers; however he always does a great job of portrayal and in this movie, I feel he outshines the rest of the major players.Entertaining and even funny to some degree with a life lesson.Don't get greedy.Do I feel that stealing money from the MAN is wrong? Not after the last few years of just stuff going so wrong.If the government can mess you around - well it's high time to reapply the rules to work for you.